20 Aug 2011

Two Ways to Mutilate your Child

Parents nowadays are being too comfortable with allowing their child to do things on their own. Or course, that is good news for cases like going to school and cooking a meal, etc. However, when parents get too comfortable and do not watch what their child are doing, they may as well just hand them a knife to slice themselves.

So, while fuming with indignation after observing what Malaysian parents are doing to their child, I decided to write this article on how parents mutilate their child unknowingly. Bear in mind, all the activities mentioned below are all done when without parents supervision.

1. Let them play with firecrackers.
- this is one of the best ways, in my opinion. Nothing beats hearing a big bang and seeing your child scream in pain with blood squirting from the stub that used to be his hand.

2. Opening a durian
- simple way for your child to lose a finger or two on top of having numerous punctures in his skin.

Thus conclude my rant.

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